
The initial durability value is 100. Headphone NFT consumes the durability value as game consumes energy. If the user only uses one Headphone to provide energy, the durability value of this Headphone will not decay.

Durability consumption

According to the rarity and quality value of the Headphone NFT, the consumption of durability value is also different. The higher the quality attribute, the lower the durability loss and recovery cost. Headphone NFTs suffer a "out of tune" penalty when they reach the durability threshold.

  1. Durability < 100%, the Headphone NFT cannot be listed or transferred on the marketplace;

  2. 20% < Durability <= 50%, the Sound Quality of Headphone NFT will drop to 90%;

  3. 0 < Durability <= 20%, the Sound Quality of the Headphone NFT will be reduced to 10%;

  4. Durability = 0, the Sound Quality of the earphone NFT will drop to 0%.

Restoration of durability

The recovery of durability is dependent on the rarity and level of the Headphone NFT, as well as the degree of durability loss. The lower the durability value, the higher the recovery cost.

Last updated