
Energy is consumed throughout music interactions and restored at a rate of 25% every 6 hours. Users can expand their upper energy limit by holding more Headphone NFTs. The calculation is as follows:

Having a Muverse Genesis headphone will help expand the energy cap.

Rarity or higher level headphone NFT can also expand the energy upper limit.

Case Study

Case 1:

1 Normal Headphone + 1 Classic Headphone = 3 Total Energy (2 Base Energy + 1 Bonus)

Case 2:

2 Rare Headphones + 1 Common Headphone = 14 Total Energy (4 Base Energy + 10 Bonus)

Selling Headphone NFTs on the Marketplace will lead to both an Energy and Energy cap loss. Transferring Headphone NFTs between accounts will activate a 48-hour cooldown period for the Headphone. During this cooldown period, users cannot use the Headphone.

Last updated