Getting Started

Step 1: Download the App

Google Play / Android Download

Test Flight / App Store (Coming Soon)

Step 2: Sign-up for Muverse

You can sign up for Muverse with your email address.

Step 3: Create a New Wallet

After successfully signing up, click the wallet icon in the upper right corner of the app to create a new wallet (DO NOT IMPORT MNEMONICS FROM OTHER WALLETS).

The app will generate a 12-word mnemonic phrase. This phrase will be used to recover your wallet in the event that you uninstall the app or forget your password. Important - Note this phrase and save it somewhere safe (Write down the phrase on a piece of paper and store it somewhere only you will have access to).

In addition to the mnemonic phrase, you should also record and remember the password you created.

Step 4: Get Headphone NFTs

Airdropped Headphone NFTs

If you were airdropped a headphone NFT, you can transfer it to your new wallet in the Muverse app, then use it in the app.

Purchased Headphone NFTs

You can deposit ETH to your Muverse wallet address, then use it to buy headphone NFTs in the marketplace. (Note: Please make sure you have enough ETH to complete your purchase and always keep some ETH for gas fees).

Step 5: Start Earning

a) Transfer your headphones to the inventory (You need a minimum of 0.01 ETH on your wallet)

b) Back to the Earn page and start earning tokens by interaction with music.

Congratulations! You are now ready to go!

After purchasing a Muverse Headphone NFT, you will receive enough energy to allow you to begin your Muverse journey. Your energy will be restored at a rate of 25% every 6 hours.

Last updated